The Best of British Lights Up New Year London

The Best of British Lights Up New Year London

We were blown away by this years amazing London New Year fireworks display - a 10 minute, 50 second total sensory overload that really pushed the boundaries of what a firework display should deliver.

The power, creativity and sheer scale of the event was hugely impressive and has certainly come on a long way from the first event run in 2003.

Now, the show is very much a major global event, integrating music, light shows, fireworks, drone displays, major London landmarks and television coverage into one seamless awe inducing performance across a large chunk of central London.

The sheer scale of the production is astounding with over 85 organisations involved, 2,658 crew and stewards, 3 barges, 30 tonnes of equipment, 400 plus drones and over 12,000 fireworks. Impressively 2,000 of these are launched just from the London Eye that acts as the centre piece of the event on the River Thames.

More than 100,000 people watched the event in person, but the event is now really designed more for TV audiences with almost 14 million watching the show this year - making it the highest rating show of 2022.

We would just like to say well done to the British creative teams involved in the production, helping to make London’s New Year event one of the world’s leading new year displays.

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